Stimmen zur US-Wahl 2024

“I’m definitely not going to vote for Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.”


Ein junger Student aus New Orleans teilt seine Sicht auf den Wahlkampf, Themen und Entwicklungen in den USA. Kurz gesagt: Enttäuscht, zurückhaltend, kritisch.

Im Café Rue De La Course an der Oak Street in New Orleans arbeitet Oliver. Es ist ein typisches Studi-Café. Viele haben hier ihren Laptop offen, tippen vor sich hin oder schreiben etwas in ihr Notizheft – alle sind sehr still. Oliver steht hinter den Tresen. Neben seinem Filmstudium am Loyola College in New Orleans arbeitet er hier teilweise. Er ist etwa Mitte 20, eher etwas zurückhaltend und ruhig. Auf unsere M94.5-Redakteurin Elisabeth Kowol wirkt er sehr cool, entspannt und locker – beim Thema Politik aber auch reserviert.

What is your opinion on the election campaign going on right now? 

I do think it’s really interesting. It’s kind of exciting to watch because I’ve never seen anything like this happen in my lifetime. I mean, in terms of the drop out and things like that. Yeah, it’s pretty interesting to keep up with for sure. I think what has been most surprising, I guess, is that they tried to assassinate Donald Trump. And then everybody kind of stopped caring about it like a week and a half later. It definitely doesn’t feel as monumental as it maybe would have in a in a different time. That’s interesting. 

Which topics do you consider most important? 

For me, most important is opposing the genocide in Palestine and also the police reform. 

Are you optimistic about the upcoming election? 

Yeah, I do think so.

I wouldn’t call myself a Democrat and I’m definitely
not going to vote for Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

But I do wish that the Democratic Party, or at least maybe a caucus in the Democratic Party, was staunchly supportive of Palestine. And that support doesn’t really exist, which is really disappointing. 

In Germany we don’t talk much about it since no one wants to restrict themselves to a specific position. How is it handled in the U. S.? 

I think, generally speaking, it’s the same in the the United States – and I mean everywhere. But because I’m at a liberal arts university here, people are a lot more comfortable speaking about it. Frankly, I think this is good. And there’s a lot of local action groups like “No Cop” and stuff like that who show up to the city council meetings. They at least try to get something done. So that’s really great.  

What do you wish for the rest of the campaign? What are your expectations? 

For the rest of the campaign? I don’t know. I guess, I’m just looking forward to local elections and trying to change the DA’s office, stuff like that. Mostly within the state of Louisiana, because I think that local action is a lot more important than what’s happening at the federal level now. I’m trying to keep more of an eye on Louisiana’s politics and things like that. 

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