Rosie Carney Im Interview
Bezaubernd melancholische Melodien
Aus Irland bringt Rosie Carney ihre verträumte Stimmung zu uns. Im Interview verrät sie unter anderem wie ihre Heimat ihre Musik beeinflusst hat.
I think your music is perfect for a snowy winter night. You even have a song called „Winter“. How do you get yourself into the right mood to write that kind of songs?
I think it really depends on where I am in the world. My family lives in Donegalwhich is a county in north west irealnd. We live right at the coast, so it’s really barren there. It’s really cold there and in the winter it gets very, very dark, so I guess it’s very easy for me to get inspired from all of that.
You moved from England to Ireland when you were younger. Do you think that the two different countrys with the two different styles had a different impact on your music?
Oh yeah for sure. I mean if you listen to traditional irish folk music it’s that it really inspired me. English folk music as well.
Your Instagram account has many colorful and bright pictures but your single covers are a bit darker and edgy. Would you say that your music is more on the dark side? Why do you have that contrast?
I guess I stuck with the black and white aesthetic for my music, because it suited the sound more. For my Instagram I guess I wanna show people, that the world around me is actually very colorful. And I guess it’s just about perspective on my behalf.
Would you say that your songs or your albums are more darker?
For this one it’s actually quite a fair mixture I think. I think the songs are all more honest. So it’s really up to the listener. If they interpret it as very dark, whatever it means to them. The songs are just very honest to me. Some of them are about bad experiences but some of them are about good experiences. So it’s a mixture.